Price Match Guarantee

We aim to match or better any genuine price

Remember we are offering 10% Off Your Artwork this week with our NEW10 code so our prices may well be cheaper in the long run

How the Price Match Works -

Arthouse Gallery wants every single one of our customers to be happy. Not just any old happy but REALLY happy and we know that we offer great service and great value. So If you find a piece of art cheaper in another gallery or art website please contact us with the name of the piece, artist name, website, or gallery where you’ve seen it, what the lower price is, and when this was.

Wherever possible, and in agreement with the publisher or the artist, we will DO OUR BEST TO match the lower price.

The artwork needs to be exactly as we show it in the correct artist's frame.

And that's a promise!

The price match applies to the total price of the purchase including postage etc!

We will be happy to answer any questions you have call us at 020 8529 4406 - 07931330862

NB: we reserve the right not to price match if we feel that the price is not genuine or we the gallery will lose money